Template for reading note

I am guessing this is what you are after (?).
I have changed some details:

  • File name your content template org file
  • Target file name.
  • Removed URL property (I thought you’d manually enter it anyway).
(add-to-list 'org-roam-capture-templates
             '("b" "Literature note (book or article)" plain
               (file "~/tmp/lit.org")
               :target (file+head
:Author:        %^{Author}
:Release_year:  %^{Year}
#+title: %\\1 %\\2 %^{Title}
#+filetags: :literature:")
               :unnarrowed t))

The content of file ~/tmp/lit.org is as follows.

# If I have the numeric copy of the book, attach it

** Synopsis


** Notes

# Use Org-noter if numeric book is attached"

Did I capture what you want correctly?

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